What Makes Us, Us?
Welcome back! This week I’d like to talk about a more serious topic, and that is: gender. What makes us, us? What makes a girl more likely to go towards a Barbie in a group of toys? What makes boys more likely to involve in physical play and sports? Let’s take a look at some factors. First of all, let’s take a look at the science portion of what we know. Science has shown us that men’s brains have more grey matter, which means that they think more in a static way and they separate their issues into different compartments. Women’s brains have more white matter. This means they have more neural connections, assisting the brain with understanding interpersonal issues better. Unlike the men who simply organize their thoughts into different categories, women are more likely to intertwine all of the thoughts and how they connect with each other. Here’s a link to a Youtube video to explain this in a better (and funnier) way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XjUFYxSx...