Parenting Tips :)
“The home is the workshop where human characters are built and the manner in which they are formed depends upon the relationship existing between parents and the children. The home cannot be what it should be unless these relationships are of the proper character. Whether they are so or not depends, it is true, upon both parents and children, but much more upon parents. They must do their best.” –Joseph Fielding Smith I bet you all can guess what I’m talking about today! Parenting! Parenting is such an important topic and I really hope that I can at least touch on a few of the things that contribute to parenting and give a few ideas to help improve parent/child relationships in the home. From an LDS perspective, we know that we become parents to become more like our own Heavenly Father and Mother. We parent to develop divine attributes, and to understand others. A parent’s job is to meet the needs of their children on a personal and individual level. There is a spe...